
Cold-Installing HP-UX 11i v2
Cold-installing HP-UX 11i v2
Chapter 5 85
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Step 3. Select Install HP-UX to begin interacting with the Ignite-UX (cold-install)
Step 4. From the
User Interface and Media Options screen, choose the degree of
customizing needed to configure the installation. The default setting
Source Location Options (Media only installation) is correct for
installing from a DVD.
Three choices are shown in
User Interface Options:
Guided Installation provides tutorial information and limited choices
for inexperienced Ignite-UX users.
Advanced Installation enables you to customize your system on tabbed
screens. Use this mode to change VxVM settings. You may also find
it convenient to set system parameters, network services, file-system
characteristics, and other configuration details.
No User Interface Use all the defaults and GO.
Ignite-UX permits you to exit from Guided Installation and restart the
configuration using Advanced Installation later by either selecting the
Cancel button or pressing C. Mark your choices and select
Step 5. The remaining steps take you through the
Guided Installation. For help,
consult the Help screens. For more help on using
Advanced Installation,
see the Ignite-UX Administration Guide.
Deselecting OE Software Bundles
If you use the Guided or Advanced Installations, then you can deselect
the software bundles that are default installed. For a list of
default-installed software bundles, see “HP-UX 11i v2 Default-Installed
Software Bundles” on page 175.
If you choose the No User Interface option, then you cannot deselect the
default-installed software bundles.
Step 1. In the Guided or Advanced Installation screens, go to the Software tab.
Step 2. Use the arrow keys to select a bundle and the spacebar to change the