
Preparing to Migrate to HP-UX 11i v2
Selecting Your HP-UX Console
Chapter 4 69
Follow all the substeps in Step 2 of “Selecting Your HP-UX Console” on
page 66 to correctly select your console input device. For input devices, a
device that has a Pci section in its path, but does not have a Uart section
will be a USB keyboard device.
Step 3. Choose Select Active Standard Error Devices.
Step 4. Choose the correct standard error device and deselect others.
Follow all the substeps in Step 2 of “Selecting Your HP-UX Console” on
page 66 to correctly select your standard error device. Output on this
device will be important firmware messages reporting errors.
Step 5. Reset your system
A system reset is required for your console selections to take effect
Additional Notes on Console Selection
HP-UX makes decisions based upon the EFI Boot Maintenance Manager
menu's Select Active Console sections to determine where to send its
output. If the incorrect console devices are chosen, HP-UX may either
fail to boot, or will boot with output directed to the wrong location.
Therefore, any time new potential console devices are added to a system,
or anytime NVRAM on a system is cleared, console selections should be
reviewed to ensure that they are correct.
More information on the EFI Paths used for console selection can be
found in Intel's Extensible Firmware Interface documents available from
their web site.