Appendix A 141
A Data Collection Tables
When installing HP-UX 11i v2, you need to enter information in the
Network Data and Miscellaneous Data collection tables.
What You Will Find in This Appendix
• “Network Data Collection Table” on page 142
• “Miscellaneous Data Collection Table” on page 143
NOTE These additional points should help you determine when to use the
collection tables:
• If you chose the Guided Install, the HP-UX Install Wizard prompts
you for the data in these tables at various stages during the install.
• If you chose the Advanced Install, an interface gives you the
opportunity to enter all of this data at the beginning of the install.
The interface is a tabbed file-folder and character-based.
• If you choose to network-enable your system, you must designate a
unique host name, host Internet Protocol (IP) address, and other
network information for your server or workstation.
Talk to your site network administrator for the details to include in
these tables.