Usage Page
The Usage Page screen gives a page count for each size of media that has passed through the product,
as well as the number of duplexed pages.
The following illustration and table describe how to use this screen.
Figure 2-5 Usage Page screen
Table 2-5 Usage Page
Callout Area on the screen Information or capability that the area provides
1 HP EWS tabs and menus For more information, see Navigating through the HP Embedded Web
2 Usage Totals (equivalent) Indicates the types of pages that have been printed, the number of single-
sided pages that have been printed, the number of duplexed pages that
have been printed, and the total number of pages that have been printed.
3 Units A unit is equal to a standard A4-size (letter-size) page. All other page sizes
are referenced in relation to this standard size. An A4-size (letter-size) page
printed on both sides counts as 2 units.
ENWW Usage Page 13