
Figure 3-12 Kerberos Authentication screen
Table 3-9 Kerberos Authentication
Callout Area on the screen Information or capability that the area provides
1 HP EWS tabs and menus For more information, see Navigating through the
HP Embedded Web Server.
2 Kerberos Default Realm The Kerberos Default Realm is the fully qualified domain
name of the Kerberos realm (domain).
3 Kerberos Server Hostname The Kerberos Server Hostname can be the same as the
Kerberos Default Realm if a DNS service is available
(Domain Name Service) and correctly configured. The
device will use DNS to look up the first available KDC
(Kerberos Domain Controller) on the network. If DNS is
not available, the IP address of the Kerberos Server may
be used.
ENWW Kerberos Authentication 37