
Advanced E-mail Settings
The following illustration and table describe how to use the Advanced E-Mail Settings screen.
Figure 4-4 Advanced E-mail Settings screen
Table 4-4 Advanced E-mail Settings
Callout Area on the screen Information or capability that the area provides
1 HP EWS tabs and
For more information, see Navigating through the HP Embedded Web Server.
2 Help Click to open a help file that contains information about the screens on the Digital
Sending tab.
3 Message Text Modify how the message text will appear in the body of all e-mail messages that are
sent from the product. Select the language for the message text. The languages that
are available are the same languages that are available on the Language screen of
the Settings tab.
4 Editable by User Select this check box to allow the user to add text to the e-mail message text.
5 Attachment Settings Select the default settings for attachments sent in e-mail messages that are sent from
the product.
62 Chapter 4 Setting the digital sending options ENWW
Digital Sending