To test the configuration of a destination list
1. Click the Test button next to the destination list that you want to test.
The following window appears.
Figure 3-5 Alerts - test screen
2. Select the destinations that you want to test.
3. The return address is the product's e-mail address. Type your e-mail address in the Return
Address box if you would like to receive messages about any errors that are generated from the
test alert (for example, to be notified of an incorrect destination address).
4. If applicable, type additional information that you would like to appear at the beginning of the e-mail
alert message in the Your Notes (optional) text field.
5. Click OK.
To delete destinations and destination lists
1. If you have multiple destinations configured, you can delete a destination or destination list by
clicking the Delete button next to the destination or destination list that you want to delete.
2. Click OK to confirm the deletion.
24 Chapter 3 Configuring the product from the Settings screens ENWW