
Configuring outgoing e-mail
You must configure outgoing e-mail if you intend to use the Alerts or AutoSend features.
1. Gather the following information. (Your organization's network or e-mail administrator typically
provides the information that is required to configure outgoing mail.)
The TCP/IP address of the simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) mail server on your network.
The EWS uses the SMTP server TCP/IP address to relay e-mail messages to other
The e-mail domain name suffix that is used to address e-mail messages within your
2. Select the Enable Outgoing E-mail check box.
3. Type the SMTP server TCP/IP address in the SMTP Server text box.
4. Type the domain name in the Domain Name text box.
5. Click Apply to save the changes.
Configuring the return e-mail address
When you configure the return e-mail address on the E-mail Server page, you are configuring the
identity of the product. For example, if you type anyone in the Username field and
your.company.com in the Domain Name field, all e-mails sent out by the product will come from
anyone@your.company.com. In this example, anyone@your.company.com is the identity of the
ENWW E-mail Server 19