
Callout Area on the screen Information or capability that the area provides
7 Bind and search Root When the Use Device User's Credentials method is selected, the Bind and Search
Root value is used during both phases of authentication. During the credential
verification phase, this value is combined with the RDN to construct the full
Distinguished Name (DN) of the user. During the user information searching phase,
this value is the DN of the LDAP entry where the search begins.
When the Use LDAP Administrator's Credentials method is selected, the Bind and
Search Root is only used as a search root. The Search Root of the base of the LDAP
directory can be specified, and the device will search the entire LDAP tree for the user
object corresponding to the username entered at the device.
8 Match the name entered
with the LDAP attribute
When searching for the device user's information in the LDAP database, the contents
of the attribute specified in this field are compared to the username that was typed
during authentication. This attribute is usually the same as the Bind Prefix.
9 Retrieve the device
user's e-mail address
using attribute of
After the device user has been located in the LDAP database, the user's e-mail
address is retrieved from the database by using the LDAP attribute specified in the
e-mail address using attribute of field.
10 and name using the
attribute of
The user's display name is obtained from the LDAP attribute that is specified in the
name using attribute of field.
11 Test Use the Test feature to test the validity of your settings before applying them. When
you click this button, you are asked to provide user credentials as if you were logging
in at the device control panel. If the credentials that you provide are authenticated
and the user information is found in the LDAP database, a success message appears.
Otherwise, an error message appears indicating why authentication failed.
Table 3-8 LDAP Authentication (continued)
ENWW LDAP Authentication 35