Example C-9 ioconfig Command
Shell> ioconfig
Deconfigure or reconfigure IO components or settings
IOCONFIG [fast_init|wol [on|off]]
fast_init Specifies device connection policy setting
wol Specifies System Wake-On-LAN setting
on|off Specifies to configure or deconfigure a feature or component
1. If fast_init is enabled, firmware will connect only the minimum set of
devices during boot. This feature might cause boot failure; disable this
feature if failure occurs.
2. Any pending Wake-On-LAN request will not be cleared until reboot if
the setting is changed to disabled.
System will clear pending Wake-On-LAN requests each time the system
reboots if the setting is disabled.
* To display the current settings
fs0:\> ioconfig
Fast initialization: Enabled
System Wake-On-LAN: Disabled
* To display the current device connection policy setting
fs0:\> ioconfig fast_init
Fast initialization: Enabled
* To disable fast initialization
fs0:\> ioconfig fast_init off
Fast initialization: Disabled
* To enable the System Wake-On-LAN setting
fs0:\> ioconfig wol on
System Wake-On-LAN: Enabled
Configures the primary console and turns on other consoles for mirroring from the firmware.
conconfig [index][on|off|primary]
Index Specifies index of console to set as primary
on Enables the specified console as a secondary console
off Puts console into "Not Configured" (NC) state
primary Sets the specified console as primary
• Primary console setting will take effect after reboot.
• P in the status column indicates that the console is the primary.
• S in the status column indicates that the console is the secondary.
• NC in the status column indicates that the console is not configured.
• If a disabled console is set to primary, it is enabled.
EFI/POSSE Commands 151