Rear Panel
The server rear panel includes communication ports, I/O ports, AC power connectors, and the
Locator LED/button. Additional LEDs located on the rear panel of the server signal the operational
status of the LAN connector of the optional iLO MP. For the location and description of the ports
and connectors, see Figure 2-6 and Table 2-6.
Figure 2-6 Rear View
Table 2-6 Rear Panel Connectors and Switches
Primary power connection (AC1) for the server. A second connector (AC2) is available for
the optional, N+1 redundant power supply.
AC Power
68-pin, low-voltage differential, single-ended U320 SCSI. This connector provides external
SCSI connection on Core SCSI Channel B
10/100/1000 base-T Ethernet LAN connector(LAN Gb A) 10/100/1000
10/100/1000 base-T Ethernet LAN connector(LAN Gb B) 10/100/1000
9-pin male serial connectors. Serial Port A is used as the console connection when the
optional iLO MP is not installed.
Serial A (console) and
Serial B
Four universal serial bus (USB 2.0) connectorsUSB
Transfer of Control button. Halts all system processing and I/O activity and restarts the
computer system preserving system memory contents.
The Locator button and LED are used to help locate a server within a rack of servers. When
the button is engaged, the blue LED illuminates and an additional blue LED on the front
panel of the server illuminates. This function can be remotely activated by the LOC
command of the optional iLO MP.
Locator Button and LED
15-pin female video connector. The optional iLO MP provides a connector to support a
VGA monitor.
VGA (optional)
32 Controls, Ports, and LEDs