Also, this SCSI interface has a non-numeric (XX) slot # indicating that it is on the system
2. From the EFI Shell prompt, enter the following command to obtain the controller handle
for the SCSI interface:
A tree of all EFI-capable devices installed in the system displays. For example:
Shell> devtree
Device Tree
Ctrl[06] VenHw(SysROM)
Ctrl[0B] Acpi(HWP0002,0)
Ctrl[15] Usb Open Host Controller
Ctrl[16] Usb Open Host Controller
Ctrl[17] Acpi(HWP0002,0)/Pci(1|2)
Ctrl[18] PCI IDE/ATAPI Controller
Ctrl[56] DV-28E-C
Ctrl[91] FAT File System [FAT32] 118 MB
Ctrl[0C] Acpi(HWP0002,100)
Ctrl[1C] LSI Logic Ultra320 SCSI Controller
Ctrl[1D] LSI Logic Ultra320 SCSI Controller
Ctrl[1E] Acpi(HWP0002,100)/Pci(2|0)
Ctrl[57] Acpi(HWP0002,100)/Pci(2|0)/Mac(000E7F7E07FA)
Ctrl[1F] Acpi(HWP0002,100)/Pci(2|1)
Ctrl[58] Acpi(HWP0002,100)/Pci(2|1)/Mac(000E7F7E07FB)
Ctrl[0D] Acpi(HWP0002,200)
Ctrl[20] Acpi(HWP0002,200)/Pci(1|0)
Ctrl[0E] Acpi(HWP0002,300)
Ctrl[22] HP 2 Gb Dual Port PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel Adapter ( Port 1)
Ctrl[23] HP 2 Gb Dual Port PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel Adapter ( Port 2)
Ctrl[0F] Acpi(HWP0002,400)
Ctrl[24] Acpi(HWP0002,400)/Pci(1|0)
Ctrl[25] Acpi(HWP0002,400)/Pci(1|1)
Ctrl[10] Acpi(HWP0002,600)
Ctrl[26] Acpi(HWP0002,600)/Pci(1|0)
Ctrl[11] Acpi(HWP0002,700)
Ctrl[27] Acpi(HWP0002,700)/Pci(1|0)
Ctrl[28] Acpi(HWP0002,700)/Pci(1|1)
Ctrl[43] 16550 Serial UART Driver
Ctrl[44] VT-100+ Serial Console
Ctrl[3E] Primary Console Input Device
Ctrl[3F] Primary Console Output Device
Ctrl[3D] Primary Standard Error Device
Ctrl[29] Acpi(HWP0002,700)/Pci(2|0)
Ctrl[40] Acpi(PNP0501,0)
Ctrl[41] 16550 Serial UART Driver
Ctrl[42] VT-100+ Serial Console
Ctrl[54] VenHw(D65A6B8C-71E5-4DF0-A909-F0D2992B5AA9)
This information describes the SCSI interface because the path on the first line,
Acpi(HWP0002,100), is the path from the information displayed by the info io command.
The next two lines describe the SCSI interface two channels, one line for each channel. The
lines contain the SCSI interface description [LSI Logic Ultra160 SCSI Controller].
The value shown for Ctrl—17 and 18 at the beginning of each line is the controller’s handle
for each channel. You need this value for the next step.
NOTE: The controller handle values change on every boot.
3. From the EFI Shell prompt, enter the following command to obtain the EFI driver’s handle
for the SCSI interface:
Shell> drvcfg
A list of all EFI-capable configurable components in the system is displayed. For example:
Shell> drvcfg
Configurable Components
Drv[3D] Ctrl[15] Lang[eng]
Drv[3F] Ctrl[19] Lang[eng]
164 Utilities