With no options specified, the command displays the PDT information for the server. The PDT
is cleared and a reboot is required for memory reallocation and safe booting.
Example C-21 pdt Command
Shell> pdt
PDT Information for PD
Last Clear time for PD: PDT has not been cleared
Number of total entries in PD PDT: 100
Number of used entries in PD PDT: 0
Number of free entries in PD PDT: 50
Number of permanent correctable (SBE) entries in PD PDT: 0
Number of permanent uncorrectable (MBE) entries in PD PDT: 0
Address of first uncorrectable error in PD: 0x0000000000000000
Example C-22 pdt clear Command
Shell> pdt clear
Are you sure you want to clear the PDT? [y/N] y
Shell> pdt
PDT Information
Last Clear time: 10/21/01 5:00p
Number of total entries in PDT: 50
Number of used entries in PDT: 0
Number of free entries in PDT: 50
Number of single-bit entries in PDT: 0
Number of multi-bit entries in PDT: 0
Address of first multi-bit error: 0x0000000000000000
Displays or modifies the system mode.
sysmode <normal | admin| service>
<normal> sets system mode to normal
<admin> sets system mode to admin
<service> sets system mode to service
If specified alone, sysmode displays the system mode. If a mode is specified as a parameter, the
system mode changes immediately. The system mode is retained on successive boots.
EFI/POSSE Commands 161