1 - Display Menu
2 - Help
3 - Choose Service
4 - Select Options
5 - Stop
Enter a function ID value:
3. Respond to the prompts as follows, pressing Enter after each entry:
a. Enter 3 for the function ID.
b. Enter 2 for the option ID.
c. Enter the service name (ALPHA084 is the default service name for the InfoServer
hardware; for the InfoServer utility, ask your system or network manager for the service
A sample display follows:
Enter a function ID value: 3
1 - Find Services
2 - Enter known Service Name
Enter an Option ID value: 2
Enter a Known Service Name: ALPHA084
NOTE: If you boot the OpenVMS Alpha operating system CD from an InfoServer system but
lose your connection during the upgrade procedure (the system is unresponsive and pressing
Ctrl/Y does not return you to the menu), do the following:
1. Boot the OpenVMS Alpha operating system CD again from the network.
2. Enter the DCL environment by choosing option 8 on the menu.
3. Mount the device containing your backup copy of the target disk and the device that is your
target disk.
4. Restore the backup copy of your target disk by entering the appropriate BACKUP commands.
(See Appendix F (page 301) for complete information about using MOUNT and BACKUP
commands to restore a system disk.)
5. Log out from the DCL environment.
6. Perform the upgrade again by choosing the upgrade option (1) on the menu and following
the procedures described in this chapter.
6.2.2 Booting the OpenVMS Integrity servers OE DVD
You can boot the OpenVMS Integrity servers OE DVD in any of the following ways. This section
gives detailed instructions on booting from the local DVD drive. Detailed instructions on the
other methods are available in the appendixes, as noted in the corresponding sections that follow.
• From your local DVD drive (Section (page 106))
• From a virtual DVD drive served over the network by the InfoServer utility (Section
(page 107))
• From an image on a PC or Windows server in the network accessed through the HP SIM
interface (Section (page 107))
• From an image on a PC or Windows server in the network using vMedia through a browser
connected to your Integrity servers iLO 2 MP port (Section (page 107))
The latter two options can be used for entry-class Integrity servers that support such means; they
can be used when a local DVD drive is not available. For more information about booting
operations, see Section B.6 (page 211).
6.2 Booting the OpenVMS Operating System Media 105