NOTE: You cannot install OpenVMS on a disk where another operating system is installed.
For example, you cannot take a UNIX disk, select the PRESERVE option, and then install
OpenVMS on the disk. The UNIX disk is not structured in the format that OpenVMS requires.
If you intend to choose the PRESERVE option (because there are certain files on the disk that
you want to retain), HP recommends that you first make a backup copy of your system disk. If
there is any problem during the installation or upgrade that might affect the integrity of the disk,
you will have the backup copy as a safeguard.
If you choose the PRESERVE option and choose a target disk that already contains the OpenVMS
Version 8.4 software, you are provided with the option to either reconfigure or reinstall the
OpenVMS operating system:
• Reconfigure the operating system if you want to change the options you chose to include
when the operating system was installed.
• Reinstall the operating system if you think that your system files might have become
For additional configuration information, see Section 7.12 (page 151).
1.4.2 Using the Display Layered Products Option (2)
Use option 2 to display layered products that can be installed.
NOTE: Although option 2 displays any patch kits available from the OpenVMS distribution
media, HP recommends using option 7 to display patch kits; option 7 enables you to specify
locations to search in addition to the standard location.
When you select option 2 on the operating system main menu, the following information is
• The version of OpenVMS and versions of the required components and optional products
that can be installed or upgraded when you select option 1 on the main menu.
• The layered product kits that are available for installation when you select option 3 on the
operating system main menu. The DECwindows graphical user interface and HP networking
products are shown again, along with other layered products.
NOTE: The two lists of products (the products that can be installed or upgraded and the layered
product kits available for installation) might be the same or very similar. Generally, products
that can be installed or upgraded along with the OpenVMS operating system should be installed
or upgraded with the OpenVMS operating system.
The following is an example of a display. WBEMCIM is the file name used in the PCSI kit for
the WBEM Services for OpenVMS product, which is available on OpenVMS Integrity server
systems only. CIM stands for the Common Information Model, which differentiates the current
OpenVMS WBEM product from the original one that is based on the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP). The version numbers in this example do not necessarily reflect the version
numbers of the products actually shipped with OpenVMS Version 8.4.
The following versions of the OpenVMS operating system,
required components and optional other products
are available on the OpenVMS distribution media (CD/DVD).
They can be installed by selecting option 1:
HP I64VMS VMS version V8.4
HP I64VMS CDSA version V2.3-306
HP I64VMS KERBEROS version V3.1-152
HP I64VMS SSL V1.4-284
HP I64VMS TDC_RT version V2.3-1
32 Getting Started