• y is either A or B, depending on the SCSI port of the PMAZB or PMAZC adapter that contains
the boot device.
• zzz is the SCSI unit number of the boot device.
The OpenVMS Alpha operating system does not distinguish between the PMAZB or PMAZC
adapter and the integrated SCSI adapter. The operating system views them as identical adapters.
Because the operating system searches for I/O adapters in backplane slot number order, device
controller letters are assigned that correspond to the backplane order of the TURBOchannel
options, followed by the integrated adapters. This is different from console SCSI device naming,
which always designates SCSI devices on the integrated SCSI ports as either A or B port devices.
On a DEC 3000 Model 500 Alpha system with no TURBOchannel options installed, the OpenVMS
Alpha operating system names the integrated SCSI ports PKA0 and PKB0, and the devices
connected to the ports inherit the controller letter from the port controller letter (A or B). However,
if a PMAZB or PMAZC adapter is installed in the TURBOchannel, the operating system names
the PMAZB or PMAZC SCSI ports PKA0 and PKB0 and names the integrated SCSI ports PKC0
and PKD0. The devices connected to the ports inherit the controller letter from the port controller
letter (A, B, C, or D).
A.1.3 Booting Manually from the System Disk
Boot the system disk manually as follows:
Step 1The OpenVMS Alpha operating system is running
Step 4The OpenVMS Alpha operating system is not running
1. Log in to the SYSTEM account.
2. Enter the following command and press Enter:
3. Answer the questions displayed by the system. When the procedure asks whether an
automatic reboot should be performed, press Enter for NO. When the procedure is finished,
it displays the following message:
4. Halt the system by pressing either Ctrl/P or Halt. (See Section A.3.1 (page 182)for more
information about how to halt your Alpha computer.)
5. Enter the BOOT command in the following format:
BOOT device-name
Substitute the device name of the system disk for device-name. For example, to boot from a
drive with a device name of DKA400, enter the following command and press Enter:
>>> BOOT DKA400
To boot from the network, enter the following command and press Enter:
A.1.4 Performing a Conversational (Interactive) Boot
A conversational boot is most commonly used in research and development environments and
during software upgrades. Perform a conversational boot to stop the boot process before it
completes. The boot process stops after it loads SYS$SYSTEM:SYSBOOT.EXE and displays the
SYSBOOT> prompt. At the SYSBOOT> prompt, you can enter specific OpenVMS System
Generation utility (SYSGEN) commands to do the following:
• Examine system parameter values
• Change system parameter values
• Specify another parameter file
172 Booting and Shutting Down Your OpenVMS Alpha System