5 Preparing to Upgrade in an OpenVMS Cluster
This chapter describes how to prepare to upgrade in an OpenVMS Cluster environment. If you
are not upgrading in an OpenVMS Cluster environment, go to Chapter 6 (page 103).
5.1 Preupgrade Tasks for OpenVMS Cluster Environments
NOTE: Be sure you have performed the preupgrade tasks described in Chapter 4 (page 83)
before you upgrade your OpenVMS Cluster system.
Use the checklist in Table 5-1 to ensure that you perform all necessary tasks prior to upgrading
your system in an OpenVMS Cluster environment.
Table 5-1 Preupgrade Checklist for OpenVMS Cluster Environments
Section 5.2 (page 95)Review relevant OpenVMS operating system and OpenVMS Cluster
Section 5.3 (page 95)Familiarize yourself with mixed-version, mixed-architecture, and
migration support in OpenVMS Cluster systems.
Section 5.4 (page 97)If you are adding a new OpenVMS computer system to an existing
OpenVMS Cluster, choose one of two options for upgrading.
Section 5.5 (page 97):
◦ Section 5.5.1 (page 97)
◦ Section 5.5.2 (page 98)
Perform the preliminary tasks required for the type of upgrade:
◦ Concurrent upgrade
◦ Rolling upgrade
Chapter 6 (page 103)Begin the upgrade.□
5.2 Documentation to Review
When you upgrade the operating system in an OpenVMS Cluster environment, be sure you
review any relevant OpenVMS Cluster information contained in the following documents.
• Cover Letter for HP OpenVMS Version 8.4
• Software Product Descriptions included with your distribution kit
• HP OpenVMS Version 8.4 Release Notes
• HP OpenVMS Version 8.4 New Features and Documentation Overview
• HP OpenVMS Cluster Systems
• Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations
Be sure to consult your network or system manager as well.
5.3 Mixed-Version Support in an OpenVMS Cluster Environment
HP provides two levels of support for mixed-version and mixed-architecture OpenVMS Cluster
systems: warranted support and migration support.
Warranted support means that HP has fully qualified two specified versions coexisting in an
OpenVMS Cluster and will address all problems identified by customers using these
Migration support means that HP has qualified the versions for use together in configurations
that are migrating in a staged fashion to a newer version of OpenVMS. Problem reports submitted
against these configurations will be answered by HP. However, in exceptional cases, HP may
5.1 Preupgrade Tasks for OpenVMS Cluster Environments 95