
6.4.1 Selecting Descriptive Help Text
The procedure next prompts you as follows:
The installation operation can provide brief or detailed descriptions.
In either case, you can request the detailed descriptions by typing ?.
Do you always want detailed descriptions? (Yes/No) [No]
If you answer YES, the procedure displays additional explanatory text with each prompt.
6.4.2 Removing Older Versions of ENCRYPT
Beginning with OpenVMS Version 8.3, Encryption for OpenVMS is included with the operating
system. If an older version of ENCRYPT (HP I64VMS ENCRYPT or HP AXPVMS ENCRYPT) is
found on your system, the upgrade procedure removes the product. Confirmation of the removal
of the ENCRYPT product is displayed, as in the following example:
HP I64VMS ENCRYPT will now be removed.
This is required because OpenVMS now includes ENCRYPT.
The following product has been selected:
HP I64VMS ENCRYPT V1.6 Layered Product
The following product will be removed from destination:
Portion done: 0%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100%
The following product has been removed:
HP I64VMS ENCRYPT V1.6 Layered Product
6.4.3 Secure Delivery Validation
As of Version 8.3, most PCSI kits included on the OpenVMS distribution media are signed using
Secure Delivery. Each target file includes an associated digital signature file (also referred to as
a manifest) that is used for Secure Delivery validation. This validation involves authenticating
the originator (HP, in this case) and verifying the contents of the target file. (The digital signature
file has the same file name as the target file plus _ESW appended to the file extension, as in
filename.PCSI$COMPRESSED_ESW.) When you upgrade OpenVMS Integrity servers from the
distribution media, the procedure validates any PCSI kits that are being installed. For each kit
successfully validated, you see a message similar to the following:
Prior to Version 8.4:
Performing product kit validation of signed kits...
%PCSI-I-HPCVALPASSED, validation of
DKB400:[KITS.CDSA]HP-I64VMS-CDSA-Vnnnn-nnn-n.PCSI$COMPRESSED;1 succeeded
From Version 8.4 onwards:
Performing product kit validation ...
%PCSI-I-HPCVALPASSED, validation of
Note that because of limitations in the OpenVMS Alpha CD boot environment, OpenVMS Alpha
kits are not validated when booted from it. On both OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity server systems,
signed PCSI kits that are installed subsequent to the initial boot of the OpenVMS CD/DVD
(including signed kits on the distribution media) are validated. In addition, on both OpenVMS
Alpha and OpenVMS Integrity server systems, the DCL command PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY
displays the validation status of installed products.
6.4 Completing the Upgrade 117