See also DECnet-Plus, TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.
DECnet-Plus Formerly known as DECnet/OSI, DECnet-Plus is the networking software that offers the
capabilities defined in the DIGITAL Network Architecture (DNA) Phase V protocols.
DECnet-Plus provides the newest DECnet features such as extended addressing and
downline-load performance enhancements. DECnet-Plus integrates DECnet and OSI protocols
and provides a linkage to TCP/IP. DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Integrity servers is a component
of the Base Operating Environment (BOE) on the Integrity servers license bundle.
See also DECnet Phase IV, TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.
Motif for
A layered product that provides support for both OSF/Motif, a standards-based graphical user
interface, and the X user interface (XUI) in a single, run-time and development environment.
DECwindows Motif displays the OSF/Motif user interface, but applications written on either
toolkit will run regardless of the environment selected by the user.
device name The name used to identify a device on the system. A device name indicates the device code,
controller designation, and unit number, such as DKA0, where DK is the device code, A is the
boot device controller designation, and 0 is the unit number on the boot device.
When present on an OpenVMS Integrity servers system disk, this partition corresponds to the
contents of SYS$MAINTENANCE:SYS$DIAGNOSTICS.SYS on the disk. The diagnostic partition
and its contents are intended and reserved for use by HP Services. Customer access and use is
not supported.
Digital Storage
disk server A computer within a local area cluster that provides an access path to CI, DSSI, and locally
connected disks for other computers that do not have a direct connection.
DSSI Digital Storage Systems Interconnect. A medium-bandwidth interconnect. Typically, OpenVMS
Alpha nodes use DSSI to access peripherals (such as disks and tapes).
See also computer interconnect (CI), DSSI-only cluster.
DSSI-only cluster A computer system consisting of several computers attached to a Digital Storage System
Interconnect (DSSI) through which it communicates with other computers in the cluster. These
computers share a single file system.
See also DSSI, CI-only cluster.
EFI Extensible Firmware Interface. The interface between HP Integrity servers operating system
and system firmware enabling you to perform such tasks as configuring the firmware and
controlling the booting environment. EFI is the Intel specification of an interface between
firmware and hardware.
See also BMC, MP, POSSE.
encryption A process implemented for data confidentiality that converts sensitive or otherwise private
data to an unintelligible form called cipher-text. Decryption reverses the process, taking the
unintelligible cipher-text and converting the data back into its original form, called plaintext.
Encryption and decryption are also known as encipher and decipher. Encryption for OpenVMS
software is based on the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) alogrithm and is integrated
with the operating system. This allows OpenVMS users, system managers, security managers,
or programmers to secure their files, save sets, or application data with AES Encryption.
See EOE.
EOE Enterprise Operating Environment. Discontinued operating environment for OpenVMS for
Integrity servers available prior to OpenVMS Version 8.4 and since replaced by the Data Center
Operating Environment (DCOE).
See also BOE, DCOE.
See EFI.