
Hermes Operator Note Page 12 of 32
4.3 Baud Rate (AT B0)
When the baud rate is changed, the change is made after the Command
Mode is ended (with the AT O command).
The baud rate is set with the following command:
Baud Rate AT B0=n <CR><LF>
Where: n = 1 4800
n = 2 9600
n = 3 19200
n = 4 38400
Default: n = 3 for 12.5kHz radios
n = 4 for 25kHz radios
Read: AT B0?<CR><LF>
Note: this shows the new value, even though the change is
not implemented until the Command Mode is exited.
Read Return: n<CR><LF>
Example: AT B0=2<CR><LF> for 9600 baud
4.4 Parity (ATB1)
The number of data bits is fixed to 8. Parity at the RS232 input to the
transmitter has no effect and is not transmitted. The 8 data bits can be used
to transmit 7 data bits + 1 parity bit. In this case the modem has to be set to
no parity.
The number of stop bits at the RS232 input to the transmitter can be 1 or
more. The number of stop bits at the receiver RS232 output is fixed at 1. This
is to avoid congestion of the output data.
When the parity is changed, the change is made after Command Mode is
ended (with the AT O command).
The parity is set with the following command:
Parity AT B1=n<CR><LF>
Where: n = 1 even
n = 2 odd
n = 3 none
Default: 3
Read: AT B1?<CR><LF>
Note: this shows the new value, even though the change is
not implemented until the Command Mode is exited.
Read Return: n<CR><LF>
Example: AT B1=n<CR><LF>