
Hermes Operator Note Page 20 of 32
The power is set with the command:
AT S160=n<CR><LF>
Where: sets the power threshold <1 to 10>
Default: 10
Read AT S160?<CR><LF>
Read Return: nn<CR><LF>
Example: AT S160=-10<CR><LF> sets the power level to 10
4.15 Channel Step Size (AT S161)
This command sets the channel step size. The basic reference frequency for
the radio is either 12.5KHz or 10KHz, giving possible frequency channel
steps of 10kHz, 12.5kHz, 20kHz and 25kHz. The Channel Step Size is set
with the command:
AT S161=n<CR><LF>
Where: n=1 10 kHz
n=2 12.5 kHz
n=3 20 kHz
n=4 25 kHz
Default: n=2 (12.5 kHz)
Read: AT S161?<CR><LF>
Read Return: n<CR><LF>
Example: AT S161=1<CR><LF> sets 10 kHz channel step
If a channel step size is entered which is not a multiple of the centre
frequency an error is returned and the entry ignored. This is to ensure that
only valid frequencies on multiples of the channel step size are allowed
based on the centre frequency entered. The error message is of the form:
4.16 Test Message Period (AT S162)
This command sets the period between sending the test message. The
command is:
AT S162=n<CR><LF>
Where: n=1 - 255 in 10ms steps
Default: n=10 (100ms)
Read: AT S162?<CR><LF>
Read Return: nnn<CR><LF>
Example: AT S162=100<CR><LF> sets 1 second period