
Hermes Operator Note Page 23 of 32
4.21 Squelch Delay (AT S168)
Note: engineering function only.
This command changes the delay between the Squelch being received and
the FX929 modem IC looking for preamble in the receive audio. This allows
the modem to be used with different transceivers. The command format is
as follows:
AT S168=n<CR><LF>
Where: n = 1 - 255 (ms)
Default: n = 10
Read AT S168?<CR><LF>
Read Return: nnn<CR><LF>
Example: AT S168=10<CR><LF> 10ms delay between squelch
and preamble
4.22 Enable/Disable Receive Output Data (AT &D)
This command disables output of any received data.
Note that the CD output continues to operate when the data output is
disabled. The command is of the format:
AT &D=n<CR><LF>
Where: n=0 disable output
n=1 enable output
Default: n=1 (enabled)
Read: AT &D?<CR><LF>
Read Return: n<CR><LF>
Example: AT &D=1<CR><LF> enables receiver data output
4.23 Enable/Disable Input Echo Data (AT &E)
This command enables/disables input echo on the screen. The command is
of the format:
AT &E=n<CR><LF>
Where: n=0 disable echo
n=1 enable echo
Default: n=1 (enabled)
Read: AT &E?<CR><LF>
Read Return: n<CR><LF>
Example: AT &E=1<CR><LF> enables echo input