
Hermes Operator Note Page 17 of 32
The RSSI level is requested with the command:
AT S156?<CR><LF>
Read Return: nn<CR><LF>
The data can be added to the end of each received packet as defined in
paragraph 5.6.
4.11 Radio Channel (AT S157)
The radio transceiver is programmed with a centre frequency (using the AT
S155 command). This frequency is set up in the factory at the centre of the
RF switching bandwidth. Once programmed with this frequency a Channel
Step Size (using AT S161 command) can be programmed. ±99 channels
can then be set with this command to give a total of 199 frequencies.
The command for setting the radio channel is
AT S157=n<CR><LF>
Where: n = ±0 to ±99
Default: 0 (which is printed on screen as +00)
Read AT S157?<CR><LF>
Read Return: ±nn<CR><LF>
Example: AT S157=-10<CR><LF> sets the channel to -10
4.12 Data Quality (AT S158)
This request for data gives an indication of the quality of the data reception.
The signal quality is read from the modem system at the end of each
received packet and stored to give a consistent result when the quality is
requested. The value is in the range 64 to 255, the larger the value, the
higher the quality. The command for requesting the data quality is
AT S158?<CR><LF>
Read Return: nnn<CR><LF>
If no data has been received, XXX is returned.
The data can be added to the end of each received packet as defined in
paragraph 5.6.