
Hermes Operator Note Page 26 of 32
4.28 Code Loader (AT S2000)
Warning once activated, a code load must be carried out
DO NOT enter unless you wish to carry out a code load
This command enables the firmware contained within the modem to be
upgraded using a simple terminal program. The baud rate for the link is fixed
at 19,200 baud with no parity.
The command for this is:
AT S2000<CR><LF>
The modem responds with:
Flash Programmer:"karfl3", Ver.:1.00.03, Date:24/10/2001
To update firmware, upload Hermes upgrade *.hex file using
a terminal program that can send 8 bit binary data.
Hermes®, © 2001, Wood & Douglas Ltd.
When this message has been output the code loader software is ready for
the new code data to be uploaded. As each line of code is accepted the
modem responds with one of 4 responses:
“.” line written into program memory successfully
“:” line written into EEPROM memory successfully
“P” attempt to write into protected memory area, no action taken
“E” error in writing to memory area