
Hermes Operator Note Page 18 of 32
4.13 Squelch (AT S159)
This command sets the squelch threshold to one of 10 pre-set levels as
shown in the Table 6.
This command enables the user to reduce the chances of local interference
showing the channel to be busy which could reduce the occupancy of the
Squelch Level Level at RF Input
( dBm ±2dB)
1 < -112
2 -110 to -112
3 -108 to -110
4 -105 to -108
5 -103 to -105
6 -101 to -103
7 -99 to -101
8 -97 to -99
9 -95 to -97
10 > -95
Table 6 Squelch Levels
The command for setting the squelch is
AT S159=n<CR><LF>
Where: n = squelch threshold with value 1 to 10
Default: 2
Read AT S159?<CR><LF>
Read Return: nn<CR><LF>
Example: AT S159=10<CR><LF> sets the squelch to 10