Chapter 5—Preventive Maintenance
5-2 Hughes-JVC Technology Corporation
5.1.2. Cleaning the Projector Lens
Under normal environmental circumstances, clean lenses only when
accumulated dust makes the picture fuzzy. Clean the projection lenses
with a camel hair brush to remove dust or use dry air to blow dust off.
Dampen a lint free cloth with lens cleaning fluid (do not use window
cleaner or alcohol) and wipe the lens clean in a continuous circular
pattern from the center of the lens to the edge.
Only clean lens when absolutely necessary—too frequent cleaning can
destroy the lens coating.
5.1.3. Air Filters
Periodically inspect the air filters at the bottom and rear of the HJT Model
100 Projector for heavy accumulation of dirt and debris that may inhibit
proper air circulation. The air filters can be cleaned with air guns, or
submerged into a mild soap bath, being careful to thoroughly dry the filter
before use.