
Chapter 7Glossary
Glossary-2 Hughes-JVC Technology Corporation
Copy Source Used to copy Geometry, Convergence, Shading, ILA
Settings and Adjustment data to another of the 20
source files.
Cold Mirror Mirror that passes infrared light so that its reflection
contains only "cold' light that does not transmit
appreciable heat. As a result of infrared heat radiation,
"cold" mirrors can get quite hot.
Composite Video Means of transmission sending the complete video
signal consisting of chrominance, luminance and the
sync signals. It is the NTSC, PAL, and SECAM standard.
Contrast The ratio between the dark and light areas of a television
picture. Used with Brightness adjustment for best picture
Convergence The process of controlling CRT beam deflection to keep
the Red, Green and Blue beams properly aligned when
scanning the raster. Poor convergence shows up as
color fringing. Convergence adjustment compensates for
the physical separation of the R, G and B tubes by
aligning their output at a fixed distance from the
projector. Convergence adjustments include X,Y-Axis
Convergence and Shading.
CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) The display device used to project images on to the ILA
Dichroic Mirrors The white light of the xenon arc lamp is separated into
red, green and blue by means of dichroic mirrors which
reflect only one color and pass all others.
Edge Linearity Adjustment Corrects for improper grid spacing at the edges of the
image. This adjustment has limited range. The edge
linearity adjustment is performed on green only and
affects R, G and B.
Ganged When R and B are ganged to Green, green is set first,
then R and B are set to match G. Thereafter, if R or B
are visible on screen, any adjustments to G will affect all
three colors.
Grey/Pluge Test pattern of black-to-white gradation bars with two
black and white squares superimposed at the center.
Used to set Black level (G2) and Sensitivity Offset.
HDTV High Definition Television. Has approximately twice the
horizontal and vertical resolution of standard NTSC.
HDTV systems are wide aspect ratio systems.