Chapter 4—Setup Adjustments
4-24 Hughes-JVC Technology Corporation
4.6. Convergence (XY Registration)
Convergence (XY Registration) overlays the CRT beams onto each other.
XY Registration procedures are required to align the Red, Blue, and Green CRT
beams together on the screen.
NOTE: For a better understanding of what is being accomplished, take the time
now to read the entire Convergence (XY Registration) section before making any
4.6.1. Purpose of Convergence
The XY Convergence adjustments are used to converge or overlay the
Red, Green and Blue CRT images over the entire screen area. The HJT
Model 100 Projector handles many different sources and convergence is
tied directly to a video source. One (1) channel can contain up to 20
different sources with different formats. Each of these sources must have
its own set of convergence data.
4.6.2. Cursor Shapes and Sizes
Three (3) different cursor modes (as described in Table 4.0-3) are used
to make adjustments.
Table 4.0-3 Cursor Modes
Cursor Mode Description
Moves the cursor around the screen.
Increases or decreases the cursor size.
Makes the actual convergence adjustments.
Various cursor sizes are available to adjust areas. Some areas may
require odd shaped cursors. If a long thin area appears out of
convergence, use a long thin cursor shaped like the area. Use the cursor
size that best fits the area. Some areas may be satisfactory and will not
need any convergence corrections.
The greatest convergence corrections are made at the center of the
cursor—avoid making corrections at the edges of the cursor. Move the
center of the cursor over the area that needs correcting. A cursor with a
long centerline is affected equally all along its centerline by the