Chapter 2—Installation
HJT Model 100 User's Guide 3-3
3.2. Technician Remote
The Technician Remote provides quicker access to some functions by using keys
on the remote. In the Menu Structure Diagram (Figure 3.0-3 on page 3-11), these
direct access functions are indicated by a
symbol after the function name. Direct
access features eliminate the need to access functions via the menu structure
and save time during set up.
The Technician Remote can be used as an IR remote or with a tether like the
Standard Remote. An 8 meter tether cable is provided with the Technician
Remote. Inserting the tether cable disables the IR transmitter. See Figure 3.0-2
on page 3-4 for an illustration of the Technician Remote control keys and Table
3.0-1 on page 3-5 for key function and usage.
The Technician Remote has a maximum range of about 16 meters, line-of-sight,
when using an IR transmitter. It does not transmit effectively through a rear-
screen window.