Chapter 4—Setup Adjustments
HJT Model 100 User's Guide 4-19
4.3.8. Pincushion
The Pincushion adjustment corrects for warped distortion at the sides
or top and bottom of the image.
Use left/right keys for distortion at top and up/down keys for distortion at bottom.
Figure 4.0-11 Pincushion Distortion (four views)
To correct for Pincushion Distortion:
1. Access the P
from the G
2. Use the left/right arrow keys to correct pincushion distortion as shown
on the top two patterns in Figure 4.0-11. Use the up/down arrow keys
to correct pincushion distortion as shown on the bottom two patterns.
3. Press E
to exit.
NOTE: Some of the previous Geometry adjustments were performed
for Green only (Centering, Linearity, and Skew/Rotate). The next
procedures align Red and Blue to Green for those adjustments.
If Red and Blue are aligned to Green as closely as possible now,
convergence will be much easier to accomplish later on, resulting in a
better image.