Chapter 7—Glossary
Glossary-6 Hughes-JVC Technology Corporation
Sensitivity (White) Adjustment for decreasing brightness on the bright areas
of the screen. Used with Threshold adjustment to obtain
optimal projected image.
Sharpness Apparent image resolution. High sharpness may be the
result of high resolution, or it might be an optical illusion
caused by image enhancement or by visible edges in a
display, such as the vertical stripes of an aperture grille
Size Adjustment Fits the size of the projected image to the screen size.
Skew Distortion caused by the vertical or horizontal centerline
not being exactly vertical or horizontal resulting in an
image that “leans” right/left or up/down.
Source A specific video/graphic input format such as VGA,
HDTV, NTSC etc. with a given set of parameters such as
horizontal and vertical scanning rates,
interlaced/noninterlaced scanning, and sync
Source File A memory location used to store Geometry,
convergence, Shading and ILA
settings setup data for
a specific video/graphic sources.
Synchronization Also called "sync" for short. Working together, horizontal
and vertical sync signals from the signal source control
the monitor's scan circuits to properly time the lines and
frames of a picture.
Threshold (Black) Adjustment for increasing brightness on the dark
areas of the screen. Used with Sensitivity adjustment to
obtain optimal projected image.
Throw Distance to the screen from the projector.
Variable Flat Field Test Pattern #5. Used for Threshold, Sensitivity and
shading purposes.
Vertical Resolution The amount of detail that can be perceived in the vertical
direction; the maximum number of alternating white and
black horizontal lines that can be counted from the top of
the picture to the bottom.
Vertical Scan Frequency Input signal vertical scan frequency.
Vertical Scan Reverses the image vertically for use with ceiling
Reversal Jumpers displays or mirror-bounced displays. Information on
these jumpers can be found in the HJT Model 100
Projector Service Manual.