
A-61097 May 1997 3-79
COIN User Channel
NOTE: If the machine definition User COIN Port Protocol was disabled,
these definitions will be ignored.
Enables or disables the COIN2 user channel.
If a standard form of output was chosen during machine definition (Bar
Code/KDIS Protocol or OCR Data Protocol), this definition should be set
to Enabled which will produce default/standard data output via the COIN2
If a user-defined form of output was chosen during machine definition
(User-Defined KDIS Format or User-Defined Protocol), select Define All
Levels or select a particular level. The default value is Disabled.
Microimager 70 Microimager 70/AFM Scanner 900
Scanner 923 Scanner/Microimager 990 Scanner 9500
1. Select COIN User Channel.
2. Select the desired status.