May be executed while transport is running.
* Available when filming; for use only with Microimager 70 (with or without AFM), and
Scanner/Microimager 990.
** Available when scanning; for use only with the Scanner 900, Scanner 923, Scanner 9500, and
Scanner/Microimager 990.
*** Available when using advanced capabilities; for use only with the Microimager 70 (with AFM),
Scanner 900, Scanner 923, Scanner 9500, and Scanner/Microimager 990.
A-61097 May 1997 B-1
A PPEN D IX B : Function Codes
P-Key Definition Input
Code Function Code Name/Description Required Optional
F01 Select Mode
Allows you to select one of the eighteen (18)
application modes.
f01 ,xx 2-digit mode number
F02 Restore Mode
Allows you to restore the current application mode to
its default status (as it was defined at installation),
provided that mode overrides are not saved.
F03* Filming Only
Allows you to film documents, with no level counting,
endorsing, patch reading, etc.
f03 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable
,2 toggle
F04 Counting Only
Allows you to count documents only, with no filming,
scanning, etc.
f04 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable
,2 toggle
Accessory Status
Allows you to display the current status of each
accessory installed.
Terminate Batch
Allows you to prematurely end a batch
Level 0
Allows you to assign Level 0 to the next document
fed into the transport.
Last Image Address
Allows you to display the Image Address of the last
document processed.
Total Document Count
Allows you to display the total number of documents
processed. Also allows you to reset the count to zero.
Level 0 Count
Allows you to display the total number of documents
assigned Level 0. Also allows you to reset the count
to zero.
Level 1 Count
Allows you to display the total number of documents
assigned Level 1. Also allows you to reset the count
to zero.