3-80 A-61097 May 1997
Transmit Data
This mode defines the data output via the COIN2 port when a user-
defined protocol (User-Defined KDIS Format or User-Defined Protocol) is
chosen during machine definition. The default values are FF/IA for all
❏ Microimager 70 ■ Microimager 70/AFM ■ Scanner 900
■ Scanner 923 ■ Scanner/Microimager 990 ■ Scanner 9500
If the same information is to be transmitted for documents of all levels:
1. Select Define All Levels.
Transmit Items
Current Transmit Sequence
New Transmit Sequence
Full Image Address
Indexed Field(s) Only
Current Field Value
Current Day
Current Date
Current Time
Document Counter
Roll Number
Attachment Count
Bar Code Data
Previous Menu
When using a Microimager 70 with the Advanced Function Module
installed, Scanner 900, Scanner 923, Scanner 9500, or Scanner/
Microimager 990, all of the transmit items are available for selection, with
a maximum of seven (7) items.
2. Select the item(s) to be transmitted.