May be executed while transport is running.
* Available when filming; for use only with Microimager 70 (with or without AFM), and
Scanner/Microimager 990.
** Available when scanning; for use only with the Scanner 900, Scanner 923, Scanner 9500, and
Scanner/Microimager 990.
*** Available when using advanced capabilities; for use only with the Microimager 70 (with AFM),
Scanner 900, Scanner 923, Scanner 9500, and Scanner/Microimager 990.
A-61097 May 1997 B-3
P-Key Definition Input
Code Function Code Name/Description Required Optional
F26* AEC Fixed Adjust
Allows you to adjust the AEC exposure setting when
the AEC is in Fixed Mode (OFF).
* Film Advance
Allows you to advance the film in six (6) inch [150
mm] increments, or by a specific amount input in
inches or millimetres.
* Film Leader
Allows you to create a film leader which is six (6) feet
[1.8 metres] of blank film.
F29* Advance Film to End of Roll
Allows you to advance the film to the end of the roll.
F30* Display Film Remaining
Allows you to display the amount of film remaining in
each film cassette.
F31* Lead End Code
Allows you to create a lead end code for retrieval
F32* Trail End Code
Allows you to create a trail end code for retrieval
F33* Roll Number
Allows you to display the current roll number and/or
change to a new roll number.
F34 Operator ID Number
Allows you to display the current operator ID number
and/or change to a new operator ID number.
F35* Cassette ID Number
Allows you to display the current cassette ID number
and/or change to a new cassette ID number.
F37** Scanner Calibration
Allows you to initiate the calibration process required
before scanning documents.
F38** Scanner End-of-Job
Allows you to signal the host computer that the last
document of the job has been fed into the transport.
F39 Printer Character Shift
Allows you to select which set of ink jets will be used
to print each character.
F40 All Document Printers On/Off
Allows you to turn all document printers (primary
DP1, secondary DP1, and DP12) on or off.
f40 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable