
1-2 A-61097 May 1997
Software Installation Procedure
Follow these steps to install the software:
1. Insert the Mode Setup Software diskette into the drive.
2. Type A:INSTALL next to the DOS prompt and press Return/Enter.
If the disk drive on your unit is not designated as the A drive, substitute
the correct drive designation in this command string.
Microimager IL70 * IL70 AFM
Scanner IL900 * IL923
Microimager/Scanner DS990 * Scanner DS9500
Mode Setup Software
Copyright (c) 1989-1997
Eastman Kodak Company
All Rights Reserved
Press Any Key to Install, ESCAPE to Exit
3. Press any key.
Mode Setup Software
Drive To Install From: A
Drive To Install To: C
Directory To Be Installed To:
Directory Information
ESCAPE to Abort