2-32 A-61097 May 1997
Sample check digit calculation #1
Assume the following:
Image Address = 123.45.678.912
Attributes = 46231546231
Constant 1 = 7
Constant 2 = 10
Divisor = 11
Left/Right = Right
LUT Status = No/off
Lookup Table = abcdefghijk
Then the check digit calculation would be:
1. Set up the equation:
Check Digit = 10 - [Calculation 1] + 7
Calculation 1 = (2 x 1) + (1 x 3) + (9 x 2) + (8 x 6) + (7 x 4) + (6 x 5) +
(5 x 1) + (4 x 3) + (3 x 2) + (2 x 6) + (1 x 4)
2. Calculate the value of the fraction:
168 + 7 = 15.91
3. Apply the Left/Right parameter:
15.91 = 5 if Left is specified
15.91 = 9 if Right is specified
In this example, 9 isused.
4. Complete the calculation:
10 - 9 = 1
In this example, 1 is the check digit. The Image Address printed by the
Document Printer would be: 123.45.678.9121
NOTE: Because only one position is reserved, the check digit defaults to
zero when the following conditions occur:
• The Lookup Table is used and the check digit is greater than
ten (10).
• The Lookup Table is not used and the check digit is greater
than nine (9).