A-61510 January 2005 4-23
Ultrasonic Detection Sensitivity Sensitivity controls how
aggressively the scanner will work to determine if more than one
document is fed into the transport. Multi-feeds are triggered by detecting
air gaps between documents. This allows multi-feed detection to be
used with job sets containing documents with mixed thicknesses. You
may set the Multi-Feed Detection to high, medium or low sensitivity. If
you disable Sensitivity, no phase or amplitude checking is used.
NOTE: Regardless of the setting, Post-It™ notes will be detected as
multi-fed documents.
• High Sensitivity: this is the most aggressive setting. this is a good
setting to use if all documents are similar in thickness to 20-lb. Bond
• Medium Sensitivity: this is the default. Use Medium sensitivity if
your application has varying document thickness or labels attached
to the document. Depending on the label material, most documents
with labels should not be detected as a multi-fed document.
• Low Sensitivity: this setting is the least aggressive setting and is
less likely to detect labels, poor quality or wrinkled documents as
multi-fed documents.
When determining the appropriate setting for your workflow, you should
start at the Medium Sensitivity.
Setting Transport Control
Transport control is a way of automatically controlling the scanner from
the host, therefore eliminating the need to use the Start/Resume and
Stop/Pause buttons on the Operator Control Panel.
Auto-start Transport if selected, the transport and feeder will
automatically start when the scanner is enabled from the host without
pressing the Start/Resume button.
Enable Timeout allows you to set a transport timeout value. This
value is the amount of time the scanner will wait after the last document
enters the transport before the transport timeout action is taken. You can
specify a time delay setting from 5 to 300 seconds. The default is 10
seconds. If this option is disabled, the transport will continue to run until
the Stop/Pause key is pressed or is stopped by the host.