
A-61510 January 2005 4-35
Feature Patches (Patch Types 1, 4 and 6) these patch types can be
used by the host for post-scan image control (they are not used for
image addressing). For example, use these patch types for changing
between binary and color/grayscale imaging or workflow control.
Patch 1
(Do not use these patches for production – they
are not to spec)
Patch 4
(Do not use these patches for production – they
are not to spec)
NOTE: Patch 4 can also be used as a Toggle patch. For more
information, see the section entitled, “Controlling image transfer
order“ in Chapter 2.
Patch 6
(Do not use these patches for production – they
are not to spec)
Beep when Patch Code is Detected the confirmation tone may be
used to signal that a patch has been recognized. The default is no
confirmation tone.
See Kodak publication A-61599, Patch Code Information for Kodak
Document Scanners, for complete information.