A-61510 January 2005 3-28
Batch End Function defines the action to be taken after processing
the last document in the batch. Options are Stop Feeder, End of Job,
Start New Batch or No action.
Patch Control area
The Patch Control area provides choices of what patch type to
recognize. One or more patches can be selected at a time.
The following patch types can be recognized.
Patch Types 1, 4 and 6 – these patch types can be used by the host for
post-scan image control (they are not used for image addressing). For
example, use these patch types for changing between bi-tonal and color
imaging or workflow control.
Patch 1
(Do not use these patches for production – they
are not to spec)
Patch 4
(Do not use these patches for production – they
are not to spec)
NOTE: Patch 4 can also be used as a Toggle patch. For more
information, see the section entitled, “Controlling image transfer
order “ in Chapter 2.
Patch 6
(Do not use these patches for production – they
are not to spec)