A-61510 January 2005 3-5
Buttons on the Kodak
Scanner Properties
dialog box
Following are descriptions of the buttons located at the bottom of the
dialog box.
Defaults when you select Defaults, the message Reset all values
to factory defaults? will be displayed. Clicking Yes will reset all values
on all tabs to the factory defaults.
Copy will copy the settings of the front camera to the rear camera for
the color/grayscale or bi-tonal camera selected. For example: if you
have Front Bi-tonal camera selected, these values will be copied to the
Rear Bi-tonal camera as well. If you have Front Color camera selected,
these values will be copied to the Rear Color camera as well. If you have
Rear Color camera selected, the values of the Front Color camera will
be copied to the Rear Color camera. If you have the Rear Bi-tonal
camera selected, the values of the Front Bi-tonal camera will be copied
to the Rear Bi-tonal camera.
OK saves the values set on all tabs. TWAIN standards require that
the value of compression always defaults back to uncompressed,
therefore, when using this tool, you must always reset compression
values before scanning for bi-tonal and color/grayscale images.
Cancel closes the dialog box without saving any changes.