
A-61510 January 2005 2-13
Indexing schemes
Documents are scanned to record the information in an easily
accessible form. The scanner offers the following indexing schemes:
Single level
Two level
Two level offset
Three level
Three level offset
Single level indexing
When using single level indexing, the image address assigned to
each document is defined as follows:
Field D is defined as a Level 1 field having a field length greater
than 0.
Fields C, B and A may be defined as fixed fields if desired.
For example, if you scan a book with 50 pages and do not want a
fixed field in the image address, the image address is defined as
Field D has a field length of 2 characters and is defined as a
Level 1 field.
Fields A, B and C have 0 characters.
Image Address 01
Image Address 02
Image Address 03
Image Address 05
Page 50
Page 3
Page 2
Page 1
The first page is assigned image address 01. The second page is
assigned image address 02, and so on, through the remainder of
the book.
Any one of the 50 pages may later be located and retrieved using
its unique image address.