A-61510 January 2005 3-37
Counter Format used to control the width of the document counter.
Values range from 1-9.
The following choices are available for printing the counter format.
• Display leading zeros format (e.g., 0009)
• Suppress leading zeros format (e.g., 9)
• Compress leading zeros format (e.g., 9)
Date Format select one of the date formats: Forward slash (/),
hyphen (-), period (.), blank or none. For example: 04/05/2001,
04-05-2001, 04.05.2001 or 04 05 2001 or 04052001 (none).
Image Address Format the format in which the image address
appears when printed as defined on the Image Address tab.
The printed image address may appear in one of three formats:
• Display leading zeros format (e.g.,
• Suppress leading zeros format (e.g., 004. 3. 2. 1)
• Compress leading zeros format (e.g.,
NOTE: The format chosen does not affect the fixed field of the image
address; it is always displayed and printed in its entirety. In the
example above, 004 has been defined as a fixed field.