
Job Management
Leica GS20 Field Guide-1.1.0en
5.1.2 Overview
When creating a job, it is possible to attach a pre-defined
coordinate system, as well as interpolation files for non-linear
transformations, and calculations of elevation above mean
sea level. It is also possible to re-project a job into a
coordinate system of datum at any time in the Job
management application.
Coordinate Systems can be created in either GIS DataPRO or
SKI PRO office software, as well as pre-defined coordinate
systems which can be downloaded from local websites. The
coordinate systems can be transferred via bluetooth, serial
cable, or directly onto the compact flash, and is contained in a
GPSTRF.dat file.
Although the CSCS and Geoid files are attached to a
coordinate system in the office software, it is necessary to
make a smaller more localized “Field file” for use in the GPS
hardware. These files can then be used in conjunction to the
coordinate system on the GS20 to provide transformations,
and orthometric height values.
5.1.3 Attaching a Coordinate System
A coordinate system can be attached to a new job upon
creation, or to an existing job via the job properties in Job
Management. In order for a Geoid or CSCS field file to be
attached to a selected coordinate system, it is necessary that
the system be defined with a Global Geoid or CSCS file
attachment. This is done in either DataPRO or SKIPRO
coordinate system management.
Figure 5-2: Coordinate System
Definition Dialog in GDP