Leica GS20 Field Guide-1.1.0en
79 Changes to the Real-Time Screen
A new Source selection allows the user to select none (no
correction), WAAS, RTCM (Including Real-time Beacon, and
Real-time Satellite), Leica and Trimble CMR.
If the RTCM, Leica or Trimble CMR source is selected, you
must then specify a device.
New devices can be created and configured in the
Setup \ DeviceManagement screen.
User defined quality settings can determine how the feature is
collected (see Setup\Data Collection.) In addition to direct
locations, the user can also choose from a list of point offsets.
9.8.4 Connecting to WoRCS Beacon
If you purchased the Leica Geosystems GS20 with the
Wireless real-time Correction System, the WoRCS, you are
only steps away from collecting real-time sub-meter data. The
WoRCS comes preconfigured with Bluetooth linked to your
WoRCS Belt