
Leica GS20 Field Guide-1.1.0en
10. Status
The Status application of the Leica Geosystems GS20
provides feedback concerning current position, satellite
location, signal strength, real-time differential corrections, and
system information.
Similar to Setup, the Status application is displayed in a tree
view, with like items grouped into branches. Setup can be
accessed as choice 9. from the Main Menu.
10.1 GPS
10.1.1 Position
The position screen provides coordinate information
Coordinate system toggle
Current time
X,Y coordinates
Ellipsoidal Elevation (EHeight)
Position and Height Quality
10.1.2 Satellite Information
The satellite information screen displays a tabular listing of the
satellites that should be visible based on the current almanac
and setup mask angle. Data in the table includes:
Tracking status of the satellite (Check box)
Satellite Number (Sat)
Elevation above the horizon and information if the satellite
is rising or falling. (^ = rising) (Elev)
Azimuth (A)
Signal to Noise Ratio, or strength of reception (SNR)