Leica GS20 Field Guide-1.1.0en
Port: Three ports are currently available for connection to a
Real-Time device.
• Port 1: Serial Lemo connection on the bottom of the GS20
• WoRCS 1: The 5 pin Lemo Port located on the bottom of
the WoRCS Bluetooth Hub.
• WoRCS 2: The 8 pin Lemo Port located on the switch side
of the WoRCS Bluetooth Hub.
Remember: The Bluetooth must be bonded WoRCS in the
Hardware Management.
Log without Corrections: If Real-Time corrections are lost,
Data can continue to be recorded for post-processing in the
GIS DataPRO office software.
Maximum Age of Correction: The user can define how long
to use corrections to calculate a Real-Time position after the
correction source is lost.
Although old corrections can be used for longer
time periods, the degradation of quality becomes
exponential with time.
RTCM: The user can choose from type (9,2) which is used
with RTB Coast Guard Beacon, or (1,2) which is used with
RTS and other Satellite correction sources.
(See above section ALMANAC for further explanation)
9.8.2 GS20 Phase Wizard
This document is intended to provide the user with insight into
how the Phase Wizard works, and step-by-step instructions
on its use. Because the GS20 can be used with both SKI PRO
and GIS DataPRO, both platforms will be discussed below.
For additional information about the use of SKI PRO or GIS
DataPRO, please refer to the documentation included with
those packages. Overview
The phase wizard was created to provide the user with an
easy to use interface for collecting high-accuracy data with the
GS20. Additionally, the phase wizard collects data in a way
that can be processed more efficiently in SKI PRO or GIS
DataPRO, creating a simplified process for the user both in
the field, and in the office.
The GS20 Phase Wizard allows the user to select from Static
Phase Collection, Kinematic Phase collection, or No-Phase
(Code only) Collection. By choosing one of these methods,
the setup/configuration file is automatically modified without
additional input from the user.