48 The Display
VX3X Reference Guide E-EQ-VX3XRG-G
Set the Display Backlight Timer
Note: Refer to the section titled "Power Modes" in the VX3X Reference Guide for information
relating to the power states of the mobile device.
Select Start | Settings | Control Panel | Display | Backlight tab. Change the parameter values
and tap OK to save the changes.
The first option affects the mobile device when it is running on battery power only (N/A to the
VX3X). The second option affects the device when it is running on external power (e.g. AC
adapter, vehicle DC power connection).
The default value for the battery power timer is 3 seconds (N/A on the VX3X). The default value
for the external power timer is 2 minutes. The backlight will remain on all the time when both
checkboxes are blank.
The transmissive color display backlight timer dims the backlight at the end of the specified time.
Set The Display Brightness
The brightness on the color display is incremented or decremented one step each time the arrow
key is pressed until either the maximum or minimum brightness is achieved (8 steps). The
brightness setting is recalled at power up.
• 2nd key then the <F10> key
• Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to adjust brightness until the display
lightens or darkens to your satisfaction.
• Press the Enter key to exit this mode.
The LED for the 2
key blinks until the special editing mode (set display brightness) is complete.
The touchscreen is a Resistive Panel with a scratch resistant finish that can detect touches by a
stylus, and translate them into computer commands. In effect, it simulates a computer mouse.
Only Delrin or plastic styluses should be used. A right mouse click is simulated by touching and
holding the screen for the appropriate time interval.
Note: Always use the point of the stylus for tapping or making strokes on the display. Never use
an actual pen, pencil or sharp object to write on the touchscreen.
An extra or replacement stylus may be ordered from LXE. See the “Accessories” section for the
stylus part number.
Please refer to Chapter 3, “System Configuration” for more information on:
• Calibrating the touchscreen
• Disabling the touchscreen.
LXE offers a replaceable touchscreen protective film to protect the touchscreen when the VX3X
is used in an abrasive environment. For information on installing or removing the protective film,
please refer to the “VX3X User’s Guide”.