76 Control Panel Options
VX3X Reference Guide E-EQ-VX3XRG-G
Pairing and Auto-Reconnect
The Bluetooth module can establish relationships with new devices after the end-user taps the
Discover button. It can auto-reconnect to devices previously known but which have gone out of
and then returned within range. Pairing supports SPP devices only.
Up to two Bluetooth devices can be connected to the VX3X at a time; LXE supports one scanner
and one printer (see Accessories).
Taskbar Icon Legend
Bluetooth module is connected to one or more of the targeted
Bluetooth device(s).
VX3X is not connected to any Bluetooth device.
VX3X is ready to connect with any Bluetooth device.
VX3X is out of range of all paired Bluetooth device(s). Connection
is inactive.
Note: Configuration elements are persistent and stored in the registry.
Setup the Bluetooth module to establish how the user is notified by easy pairing and auto-
reconnect events.
AppLock, if installed, does not stop the end-user from using the Bluetooth application, nor does it
stop other Bluetooth-enabled devices from pairing with the VX3X while AppLock is in control.
See Chapter 6 – AppLock for more information.