Appendix B, Gateway Directives Reference 97
Entry-Related Directives
rows=number, rows=+number, rows=>number. Controls the number of
rows used to display the entry. For type=text, this controls the number of
editable HTML INPUT fields. For type=textarea, this controls the number of
rows in the textarea. If number is preceded by a plus (+) sign, then number
extra rows are included. If number is preceded by a greater-than sign, then at
least number rows are included.
cols=number, cols=+number, cols=>number. Controls the width of the
displayed attribute. If a number is given by itself, then the attribute is displayed
with exactly number columns. If a plus (+) sign is given before number, then
the attribute is given number extra columns. For example, if the value is 10
characters wide, and number is 10, then 20 columns are used when displaying
the number. If a greater-than sign (>) is given before number, then the
displayed width is at least number columns.
numfields=number, numfields=+number, numfields=>number. controls
the number of editable fields displayed when editing. If number is preceded by
a plus (+) sign, then the number of fields displayed is however many values
were read from the server plus number. If number is preceded by a greater-
than sign (>), then at least number values are displayed when editing.
true=string. label used for Boolean values that are true.
false=string. label used for Boolean values that are false.
value=string. value associated with an instance of a checkbox that is used to
display strings values (not syntax=bool values) (Not supported in DS 1.0)
<!-- DS_ATTRIBUTE "attr=dn" "syntax=dn" "dncomponents=2"
"options=nolink" -->
<!-- DS_ATTRIBUTE "attr=givenName" "cols=>32" -->
<!-- DS_ATTRIBUTE "attr=sn" "cols=>32" -->
<!-- DS_ATTRIBUTE "attr=uid" "numfields=1" "cols=>16" "options=unique" -
<!-- DS_ATTRIBUTE "attr=mail" "syntax=mail" "cols=>20" -->
<!-- DS_ATTRIBUTE "attr=telephoneNumber" "syntax=tel" "cols=>16"
"numfields=+1" -->
<!-- DS_ATTRIBUTE "attr=modifyTimestamp" "syntax=time" "defaultvalue=N/
A" "options=readonly" -->
<!-- DS_ATTRIBUTE "attr=modifiersName" "syntax=dn" "defaultvalue=N/A"